Saturday, April 4, 2015

What Do You Intend After Easter?

     In the KJV, the word, "Easter," is found only once in the Bible  in Acts 12:4 which includes the phrase, "intending after Easter." That leads me to ask, what are you intending after Easter? The Sunday designated as Easter will be a day of crowded churches and fresh spring clothes. What are the crowds that gather for their once a year ritual of church attendance intending after Easter?
     Dr Bobby Moore was the pastor of the great Broadway Baptist Church in Olive Branch, MS. He was a truly great man of prayer and wrote a book every Christian should read entitled, "Your Personal Devotional Life." I was privileged to preach for him many times. On one occasion, he asked me to preach his Easter service, and he asked me to preach the best evangelistic sermon I could muster. I asked him for his reason for such a request. He replied that there would be hundreds there that day who only come on Easter and probably had the resurrection message memorized. He continued by saying that some just might get saved if they heard an evangelistic message, but if they got upset, they had a year in which to get over it. I did as he asked and 121 adults were saved that day. 
     You need to honor the Risen Lord on the day we honor his resurrection but in reality the proof of whether you truly believe Christ rose from the dead is how you live that precious truth in your life the following 364 days of the year. Does Paul's desire for himself ring true for you as he expressed in Philippians 3:10 where he exclaimed that he wanted to know the power of our Lord's resurrection and the fellowship of his sufferings. I tell you this. That's my intention after Easter.

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