Wednesday, April 8, 2015

PLEASE READ!...We Need You For A Solemn Assembly

     In Joel 1:14 are found these words, "Sanctify ye a fast, call a solemn assembly, gather ye the elders and all the inhabitants of the land into the house of the Lord your God and cry unto the Lord."
     A solemn assembly was called during times of crisis by various leaders such as Moses, Hezekiak and Josiah. Most of the time in the Bible these calls for a gathering of the people to unite solemnly for a time of fasting and prayer was to pray for Israel. A solemn assembly always consisted of three elements:
     (1) Repentance;
     (2) Confession;
     (3) Return to God as our first love.
     Thursday, May 7, is designated as the National Day of Prayer. I think we should also make it a solemn assembly. Joel 1:14 included fasting. So, I intend to fast from after my dinner is concluded on Wednesday, May 6, until dinner time, May, 7. During that time, I will drink only liquids and eat no solid food. Each time I feel hunger pangs I will use that as a trumpet call to enter a solemn assembly to pray for the nation and acute personal needs including needs shared with me by others.
     As the president of Trinity College of the Bible and Theological Seminary, I am calling for a solemn assembly on the National Day of Prayer, May 7. We need believers everywhere to join us. I'm asking faculty, staff, students, alumni and friends of Trinity to join us in fasting and prayer. I'm asking my friends and former church members to participate. I'm asking each of you to ask your family, friends and churches to be a part of this solemn assembly.
     If you plan to be a part of this solemn assembly, will you "like" this post. If you have a special need for which all of us can help you pray, please tell us what it is in a comment.
     This is a way to have a groundswell of united prayers to the very altar of heaven that day. I need it, you need it and our nation needs it. 

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