Thursday, April 2, 2015

So What If They Did Backtrack In Indiana...

    It is extremely disturbing to me that there are preachers and laymen in the Christian community who believe it is a good thing when legislators and governors change enacted laws because of an unusually heavy backlash by not only their constituents but also by economic threats coming from out-of-state groups. We are seeing this presently in Indiana, the state in which I now have my residence. It is one thing if opposition to legislation is based upon the actual statements included in the bill, but it is quite another to stir up a mob mentality through screaming vitriolic falsehoods by alleging conditions in the bill that do not exist. This acquiescence to whichever group can shout the loudest will lead to anarchy, a total breakdown of an orderly government of laws and reason.  And, lest you think of me as a right-wing fanatic, let me assure you that I have friends of a more liberal political persuasion than mine that are also very concerned about this kind of socio-political protest that distorts facts to fit its own agenda.
     We are living in a time unprecedented in the history of our nation. There is an increasing gathering of storm clouds that is speeding toward all who follow Christ. Since Trinity Seminary has students and alumni in over eighty denominations, I believe I am in a unique position to speak on this subject because we have Christian leaders in this vast array of denominations who serve across the spectrum from very conservative churches to very liberal churches. Let me warn all of you. If this trend continues, none of you will be safe from government interference to preach your convictions concerning anything that touches at all on moral issues. This activist effort to use the government to squelch the faith convictions of business owners will never be satisfied. So, if you are of a more liberal theological leaning and perhaps even agree with the backtracking in Indiana and Arkansas, please consider the history of the USSR and its evolution into an atheist state. Before the fall of that country, not only were conservative churches banned but liberal churches were outlawed as well. It is extremely important that all believers in Christ, and I mean all believers, conservative or liberal, should immediately and very soberly look toward the future of America in terms of your ability to leave your particular religious faith to your posterity. 
     The best defense against an uncertain future that includes the possibility of a religious purging in America is the election of statesmen, not mere politicians, of high moral character to serve in both major political parties. We need men and women in elected office who cannot be threatened, coerced, intimidated, bribed, bought or sold. We need people who possess a reasonable mind who will listen carefully to opposing views; men such as Tip O'Neill and Ronald Reagan who fiercely argued their respective positions and then went out to dinner together. We need people of a resolute spirit who will not listen to the howling mobs or watch the latest polls but rather make decisions based on earnest convictions and then firmly stand on them even if it means the loss of re-election. We need people with a religious foundation that is anchored on "Thus saith the Lord!" as found in their regular study of God's Word. We need champions, not cowards, statesmen, not snivelers; and godly, not godless. 
     Finally, my appeal to all who name the name of Christ is that you determine within yourself that "as for me and my house, we will serve the Lord!"

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